The Vision
Camp Falcon Rock is a movement, which focuses on investing in the next generation of people in Romania. Camp Falcon Rock will be a connecting place for churches, villages and individuals to encounter Jesus through a spirit-led community that fosters an enjoyment of creation and community while developing disciples who pursue the kingdom of God.

We are empowering the next generation by
discipling leaders who pursue the Kingdom of God.
The Mission
Owned and operated by the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania (HBC) and partnered with the
North American Baptist Conference (NAB), Camp Falcon Rock is rooted in evangelism, education,
social development and leadership training. These five areas will allow the Spirit of God to bring
holistic life change to the next generation of young people in Romania, who in turn will impact the nation.

Future Development

The Partners
Camp Falcon Rock is determined and will be equipped to serve the challenges faced in Romania through anchoring its mission in Christ. All of the challenges create a need for partnership. Through your support there will be opportunities for Romanians to lead this development. With that, Tamas and Tunde Modi (born and raised in Romania) are the camp directors as appointed by the HBC and will continue to be integral to the success of the ministry.
“God created us and blessed us with many abilities and gifts for life, however more importantly
we must use our abilities and gifts for His Kingdom. Camp Falcon Rock is a great opportunity for us to
tell young people about Jesus’ love and show them how to use their gifts and abilities for God’s ministry.”
-Tamas and Tunde Modi