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Exciting News!

Even in the midst of all the chaos around the world, we can still clearly see that God is at work! This is true for us here in Romania and with the ministry of Camp Falcon Rock. We are so excited to share with you the exciting news that the Bergman Family has been officially appointed as NAB Missionaries to Romania! You may remember this family as they came and served alongside of us for 3 months back in the summer of 2018. It was during that time that they sensed the Lord was calling them to something more as a family and that was to join the ministry at Camp Falcon Rock full-time. We definitely saw God working in and through them while they were here and we were wondering what might come of their experience. Over a number months of prayer and discernment, we, together with them, the NAB as well as the Camp Falcon Rock team/board confirmed that this was the way God was leading all of us. We would love you to hear more of their story and the way in which they will fit into the camp ministry. Click below to watch a video of Jason and Erin and their kids sharing about what God has been up to in their lives. Also would you consider supporting them as they now try to raise the funds they need to move over here full time.

Or head to to find out more.

Many of you know Vern and Gloria Wagner who are the other NAB missionaries a part of the team developing Camp Falcon Rock. It’s hard to believe but they have been serving here for almost four years now! Every four years, NAB missionaries are set up to do a home assignment to visit supporters, churches and family. The Wagners were all lined up to start their home assignment summer 2020 but as the world began to shut down in March due to the coronavirus, we, as a team, decided that it made most sense for the Wagners to begin their home assignment early so they flew back to Canada in March. Since they are unable to travel around to meet with everyone, they made an update video to share about how life has been for them in Romania. Click below to hear their story!

Other ways we've seen God at work in this season is through the ministry that continues at Camp Falcon Rock and in the village. Romania has begun to lift restrictions allowing us to travel more freely without needing government permits anymore. We are also now allowed to meet indoors with groups less than 20 people which, means we’ve started up youth group again! The series we’ve been digging into over the past number of weeks is called “Broken and Redeemed” where we’ve been wrestling with the broken reality we see in ourselves and this world and how Jesus came and continues to bring about redemption through transformation and the advancement of the kingdom. It’s been a rich series of learning together what this truth means for our current season as well as for our lives. On another note, last week the youth along with Paul, Tamas and Tunde surprised me with a BBQ for my birthday! We had a great night hanging out, eating, and teaching them to play bocce!

As of May, the camp construction crew has been able to come back to work. With that, many construction projects have started up again and many things are getting completed. This past month the crew was able to finish our water/sewage lines and connect it to a permanent treatment system. This has been a HUGE project and it is really exciting to see it completed. We know many of you have been praying for it as well as have been here working on this system so we want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you! The crew is also continuing with the root cellar renovation to turn it into an additional cabin. This past week they began to build the brick walls and it’s so exciting to see this space transform.

Paul and I have continued with landscaping projects. We’ve had a couple of setbacks. First, the tamper broke so we were forced to stop work on the patio project. Because of this we began and have since completed work on two retaining walls that surround both cabins. The bricks were really heavy to move so it’s nice to be done that project!! The second setback has been the weather. We’ve had an unusual rainy and stormy May-June, which has slowed us down a lot. But last week we had a couple of days of sunshine allowing us to start up work on the patio project again. We’re hoping to complete this space in the next week or two--weather depending.

Paul and I are so grateful that we are able to live up at the camp during this season as it is such a beautiful and peaceful place to experience the lock down. We pray that all of you are staying healthy and finding rest during this world pandemic. Thank you for continuing to partner with us and to support the kingdom work happening at Camp Falcon Rock. Please continue to pray with us that:

-Weather would begin to clear up and cooperate with all of the outdoor projects -Construction beginning on the main lodge project would go smoothly -Funds would continue to be provided for this main lodge project -The youth would continue to grow in their faith as we navigate this season together Paul and Tanya

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