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Summer 2020 in Romania

Summer looks quite different this year for us and yet it has been busy and fruitful! With the state of the pandemic and Romania’s cases continuing to rise (we have about 1,000 new cases reported each day), we have not been able to run summer camps at Camp Falcon Rock nor in the villages. This has been a sad reality and yet we have seen God’s grace and activity in the midst of it.

With no programs at the camp, it has allowed our team to focus more fully on the main lodge project. As we look at the giant hole dug out for the foundation, we’re a little relieved that we don’t have kids running around the property at the moment! The team has been prepping the ground since the beginning of July and over the last couple of weeks a local company we’ve contracted has been assembling the rebar that will be used in the footings and foundation of this massive building. The crew has begun to dig trenches for the lodge footings as we are hoping to get the concrete poured in there in the next week. We’re still on track to have this building “in the red” (foundation, bricks, roof complete) by this winter. Recently we made a video giving a virtual tour of the camp and an update on all that has been developed. You can watch it by clicking the link below.

Even though we haven’t been able to run our usual camps or VBS programs, we’ve still been able to run youth group. With that, we decided to take our Szentkiraly teens to the Romanian Fagaras Mountains for a hiking trip instead. The teens had never been hiking nor camping before. They were beyond excited for the trip and Paul and I were a little nervous about them climbing a mountain for the first time! It was an absolutely incredible time for all of us. We were so proud of the endurance and courage they showed as we navigated the tricky trails while carrying heaving bags full of our food and gear. We set up a base camp near the mountain lake called Lake Capra (sitting at 2300meters). Here we were able to fish, swim, cook, hike to the summit (2494m) and have campfires. A part of this trip was speaking into some of the teens deep questions they asked a part of our “Ask Anything” summer series. We had some tough questions about understanding the will of God that ended up sparking some deep conversation leading to spiritual healing and renewal in their relationship with God. We can’t share enough how active God was on this trip in providing protection, weather, supplies and most importantly his Spirit to encourage and speak to the teens. We continue to see the effect of it since being back as many of the teens have been opening up to us about things they are processing in their lives and faith.

Paul and I have had to slow down on our landscaping projects at the camp. After coming back from our hiking trip, Paul has been in a lot of pain. At Christmas time he injured his back while we were in Canada. It had been healing over the past half of a year but right before our hiking trip it started to act up again. When we got back and while we were unpacking, Paul turned to grab something and he felt a ‘pop’. It turns out he has severely herniated a lumbar disc. Paul had an MRI done and as doctors in Romania and Canada have reviewed it they have been shocked by how big the bulge is. At this moment we are trying to discern whether the severity of his injury can heal through physio alone or if surgery is necessary. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in this and for good connections as we sort out the best medical options for Paul.

We are so grateful to each of you and your love and care for us as well as the ministry here. We pray that even in the midst of this difficult season we all find ourselves in, that you have still found joy in your summers and peace in our good Father.

Tanya and Paul Tanya and Paul

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